Summertime Sleep Hygiene: Tips for Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Summertime Sleep Hygiene: Tips for Getting a Good Night's Sleep

It might get difficult to remain cool and comfortable at night as the summertime temperatures climb. Restless nights and daytime exhaustion can result from sleep cycles being upset by high temperatures and humidity. Still, you may make your bedroom comfortable for pleasant sleep even in the height of summer by following the proper sleep hygiene procedures.

We'll go into some practical tips in this blog for preserving the quality of your sleep on hot summer evenings.

  1. Keep Your Bedroom Cool: In the summer, encouraging restful sleep requires keeping your bedroom cool. To move air about and bring the temperature down to a tolerable level, use fans or air conditioning. Think about blocking out sunlight and lowering heat absorption during the day with blackout shutters or drapes.
  2. Choose Breathable Bedding: To assist control body temperature and encourage airflow, choose lightweight, breathable bedding materials like cotton or linen. Steer clear of synthetic textiles that hold heat and moisture as they might cause pain and sleeplessness.
  3. Keep Hydrated: Especially in the sweltering summer months, drink a lot of water all day long. To avoid disturbing your sleep, though, watch how much fluid you drink in the evening.
  4. Take a Cool Shower or Bath: Lowering your body temperature and telling your brain it's time to unwind for sleep can be achieved by taking a cool shower or bath right before bed. An other way to instantly cool down is to wet a washcloth with cold water and place it on your neck or forehead.
  5. Use Cooling Sleep Aids: To assist control body temperature and improve comfort while you sleep, invest in cooling sleep aids include gel-infused mattress toppers, cooling pillows, or breathable mattress pads. An ice pack or cooled water bottle next to your bed can also offer some short-term cooling.
  6. Establish a Calm Bedtime Routine: Your body can be alerted to the need of getting ready for sleep by establishing a calm bedtime routine. To help quiet the thoughts and encourage relaxation, do soothing things like reading, light stretching, or deep breathing or meditation.
  7. Cut Back on Screen Time Before Bed: The hormone melatonin, which controls sleep-wake cycles, may be disrupted by blue light from electronics like computers, tablets, and cellphones. For the best possible sleep, cut back on screen usage at least an hour before bed.
  8. Modify Your Sleep routine: Take use of the milder morning temps by modifying your sleep routine during the summer. To escape the warmest portion of the day and to get as much natural light as possible—which can improve your body's internal clock—go to bed and get up earlier.


Keeping up excellent sleep hygiene is crucial for general health and wellbeing, particularly in the hot summer months when humidity and high temperatures may impair sleep quality. These summertime sleep hygiene advice will help you to make your bedroom comfortable and have peaceful evenings even in the heat. For the best possible sleep and to wake up feeling energized and refreshed every morning, remember to give hydration, relaxation, and temperature control first priority.

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